The Following is from the History
of Will County Illinois 1878
JOHN SCHEIDT, manufacturer and dealer in pure candies and dealer in fruits, nuts, etc.,
John was born near Strasbourg, Alsace, Jan. 1, 1829 .He came to this country at the age of 15 with his parents who settled in Bloom, Cook Co., Ill.
He continued to reside in Bloom until 1856, when he came to Joliet, and kept a boarding-house up to 1864, after which he engaged in his trade of a carpenter.
He was elected City Marshal in 1863, and served two years ; he has twice been a member of the Board of Aldermen, and is now on the Board of Supervisors, having been elected in April, 1878.
Mr. SCHEIDT erected his store and established his present business in 1877. He was married Aug. 6, 1850, to Miss Catherine Claus, of Crete Twp.She was born in Prussia Feb. 22, 1831, and came to Will Co., with her parents, in 1840; they have nine children - Frank A., Mary A., John, Peter A., Michael, Edward, Henry B., George and Katrina A.
1-----Jean Martin Scheid (c. 1650 - )m. Margarethe Stark (c. 1650- )
5-----John Scheidt (1829 - 1896) m. Catharine Clos (1831 - 1903)
6-----Frank A. Scheidt (1852 - 1925) m. Mary Bauer Scheidt (1859 - 1926)
6-----Mary A. Scheidt (1854 - 1938) m. Julius J. Becher
6-----John Scheidt (1856 -
6-----Peter Anthony(Tony) Scheidt (1859 - twin to Paul
9-----Beth Scheid
9-----William Scheid Jr.
9-----Ann Scheid
9-----Robert Scheid
9-----Kate Scheid
7-----Geniveve Scheidt (1897
6-----Edward Scheidt (1866 -
6-----Henry B. Scheidt (1868 -
6-----George Scheidt (1872 -
6-----Katrina A. Scheidt (1878 -