This page was last updated: May 21, 2022
Joseph E. Hess
(1845 - 1904)
1-----Henry Hess (1816 - 1884 ) m. Amelia Einstein (1822 - 1902)
2-----Joseph Edward Hess (1845 - 1904) m. Francis Henlein (1853 - 1929)
3------Rosalind Hess (1875 - 1943) m. Edward Shepp
3------Mary H. Hess (1877 - 1939) m. Garrett S. Anthony (1876 -
4-----Francis E. Anthony (1913 -
3------Irene S. Hess (1880 - 1962) never married
2-----David Franklin Hess (1846 - 1933)
2-----Soloman J. Hess (1847 - 1925) m. Jeannette Rosenthall (1857 -
2-----Hannah Leopold (1850 - 1918) m. Emanual Leopold (1842 - 1906)
2-----Rose Rosenthal (1854 - 1916) m. Isaac Rosenthal
2-----Fannie S. Hess (1858 - 1915) m. Adolph Nathan (1849 - 1889)
2-----Lippman E. Hess (1862 - 1929) m. Emelie Hart (1868 -
2-----Lea Hess (1863 - 1863)
According to Edward's autobiography they were not allowed to get married due to the religious prejudices of the time. Mary was 17 and Joseph 20.
Mary Catherine was later married to George Fisher and Joseph to Francis Henlein.
While he had only limited contact with his father, Edward did arrange to meet him and described the experience in his Autobiography.
"The trip to Tamaqua, Pa was brief. I found my father to be rather under medium height, with iron gray hair and just under 36 years old. I can’t say that my welcome was especially warm, but under the circumstances, not too disappointing. I must have seemed rather uncouth, wearing boots instead of shoes and otherwise just a raw country boy. I was given a comfortable room and in a day or two was introduced to my duties. I brushed hats, was taught how to fold and put away suits and to do all of the little things around the store.
The family consisted of father, mother and three little girls - Rosie, Irene and Mary. There was also a maid. I got up before seven, swept the store and had breakfast. There were two clerks in the store, my father’s brother-in-law, Abe Heinlein, and another young man.
I soon met some nice young people, particularly the Wood family, father, mother, son and daughter. They were very close friends of my father and I spent many Sundays at their house on the edge of town.
Tamaqua is a hard coal mining town. Among the foreign element, the Welsh predominate. A few years before the city made headlines through the actions of a society called the Molly McGuire’s. I judge that their operations must have been something like the Ku Klux Klan at its worst. It grew so bad through murders and other depredations that eventually they were unmasked and I was shown a trestle bridge from which seven of their members were hanged. Because the Molly McGuire’s were Catholics, members of their faith were in bad repute. One result was the organization of what was practically an anti-Catholic society, the Patriotic Order of Sons of America -- an organization that I joined. So far as I was concerned this society was just what its name implies, a patriotic society. Later I discovered that the society was national in character.
I found that my father was recognized as a leading citizen and was an important member of the Masonic Lodge and of the Knights Temblors. I learned that my relationship to my father was known to his wife. She was a good sport, for she never allowed that knowledge to keep her from treating me cordially. One day she had some ladies over for dinner (their residence was in the back of the store) and, there being no other man present, it fell upon me to serve the meal. My face must have been red, for it was my first experience in that capacity. If it had been a roast instead of a baked fish I don’t know how I would have come out.
While I enjoyed much of my experiences during this period, the situation was more or less strained, and I finally decided it would be best to return home. My return trip was by way of the Reading and Pittsburgh. It was snowing when I reached the city and continued to snow until I arrived in Lanark early in February, 1883, less than six weeks since I had left. Incidentally, I arrived broke, and my train was the last to run for three or four days."
(For information on each relative click the red links)
Joseph and his parents immigrated from Wurtemberg, Germany in 1846 and settled in Pennsylvania.
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